
Melvin Cowart Post 274



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Eligibility requirements

  • Members must hold membership in and be in good standing with The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion.

  • Members must be legally registered motorcycle owners or be the legally registered owner's spouse within the state of registration.

  • All operators must be properly licensed and insured per state laws.

  • All members must obey motor-vehicle laws in the state in which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger.

Contact ALR274FL@gmail.com for more information

The Florida American Legion Riders is formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as a family oriented motorcycling activity for members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion.

To participate in the parades and other ceremonies that are keeping with the aims and purposes of The American Legion.

To promote motorcycle safety programs and provide a social atmosphere for the American Legion Family members.

To use our association to promote and support programs of The American Legion and charities of the local community.

Legion Riders Today

More than 110,000 Riders in over 2,000 American Legion Rider Chapters, organized by local American Legion posts and departments worldwide, actively support American Legion programs in every state and in several countries overseas.

The Riders represent one of The American Legion’s fastest growing and most visible activities, as they perform service activities in their communities and participate in the annual cross-country Legacy Run, their premiere fundraising event.

Riders in all states have escorted military units returning home from combat tours overseas and have raised millions of dollars for countless local state and national charities.

The Riders are supported by Legion posts, Sons of The American Legion squadrons, American Legion Auxiliary units as well as departments and private donations.

For God and Country, 
Charlie "Spook" Catherman
Director,  American Legion Riders Chapter 274
 899 Buttonwood Drive.
Fort Myers, Beach, Florida 33931