
Melvin Cowart Post 274


Chaplain Corner

Jeff McQuade



See the source image 


         Keep us, O Lord, grateful as a nation for the blessings that are are ours.
          Preserve in our hearts the appreciation of Your gifts that inspired our
          forefathers to set aside a special day of Thanksgiving,and may we ever
          be mindful of Your goodness and kindness.      
          'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.  
Protect them as they protect us.
          Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
          time of need.

          Bless with Your continued presence the men and women of our Armed Forces;

          give them the spirit of fortitude, that they may be faithful to their country

          and true to You; shield them from all dangers both of soul and body; and

          give them the assurance of Your guidance and strength that thay may

          serve according to Your will.  May we and all Your people serve You,

          our God, in praise and glorify Your holy Name.      



        Your Chaplain
